First few pages of a comic in progress about religion (I suppose). So far, it seems to be about the hell of having complete and god-like control over everything. Hmm. But more will be up as soon as its done.
Night Tree
Night Tree
(pencil and scrap)
A comic from an ancient series of work comics- comics done when I should have been working. I suppose they tried to capture the feel of working at the time. This was from a job in a library, still and quiet and something growing in the dark somewhere.
[pen, pencil, watercolour]
What started as a weekend homage to Frank Miller grew into this strange affair about swans and strangling. Originally the whole thing was done in colour, but it all had too much give, was too soft, especially once the words were in. Anyway, enjoy!
Upcoming and Updates
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This moody, depressing image to your left is the first page of an upcoming comic. A weekend of reading Frank Miller got the better of me and this old man's dark city spun out in a day.
All the sketching and painting were completed in a flurry of activity, and I aim to do the same with the words and letters at some point this week.
A few other pieces are well on their way too [god, death, dogs, all sorts], so watch this space for a wave of nonsense at some point.
Also, I can very nearly finish uploading the pictures of the Nun project what with the turning of the new month. Click here to check out the gallery- new responses will be up in a few days I expect.
Excellent! Stay tuned and thanks for coming!
Nun - Gallery is up!
The first gallery of the Nun project is up here.
In total, over two hundred people stopped to write or draw for which I am very grateful for; the wealth of imagination and opinion is both exciting and reassuring.
In large cities, where we can pass each other with little notice for others, and where anonymity is, to an extent, forced upon us, the enthusiasm and warmth of everyone is a reminder that people do care, that we all in fact have valid opinions.
I believe the Public Voice, comprised of messages, quotes, delicate little drawings, exclamations of happiness and love, frustration and sadness, is something that unites us all. There are few responses that we cannot identify with on some level, at least that is how I see it.
I would like to thank everyone who took part. Your comments of 'this is fun' and little chuckles made every cold shoulder and pretending-not-to-hear worth it. Thank You!
This is not the end of Nun; there are still many responses not yet uploaded, and all the photos and responses are undoubtedly going to be used in a future project, so keep in touch.
In large cities, where we can pass each other with little notice for others, and where anonymity is, to an extent, forced upon us, the enthusiasm and warmth of everyone is a reminder that people do care, that we all in fact have valid opinions.
I believe the Public Voice, comprised of messages, quotes, delicate little drawings, exclamations of happiness and love, frustration and sadness, is something that unites us all. There are few responses that we cannot identify with on some level, at least that is how I see it.
I would like to thank everyone who took part. Your comments of 'this is fun' and little chuckles made every cold shoulder and pretending-not-to-hear worth it. Thank You!
This is not the end of Nun; there are still many responses not yet uploaded, and all the photos and responses are undoubtedly going to be used in a future project, so keep in touch.
N.B. The gallery does not contain every response, so if yours is missing, I apologise profusely but plead for patience! Flickr has a monthly upload limit which I have exceeded so I will put up the remaining responses as soon as possible.
Through the recent Nun project, I have met some fine, fine people. Today I met the guy behind SIDEWALKTREE and we mused on comics, dutchies and asbestos.
I encourage you all to check out his work and get in touch with him. This is a talented guy and talent unfortunately has a way of going unnoticed in this mean world of cold shoulders.
This is fine art man, and I say art over asbestos every time. Also, asbestos is poisonous.
Nun - Update
I have been collecting responses all week and now have a growing album of wisdom, nonsense, art, insults and everything else you can think of.
I once again want to thank everyone who has stopped and taken part, and those who just wanted to talk too. The picture emerging is that Downtown Manhattan has an innate current of creativity and humour, for which I am very grateful!
I am working on a Flickr gallery at the moment and hope to have the photos up by the end of the weekend, so check back then to see what everyone has to say. More Soon!
Nun - Fill The Space
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Today I started a project, tentatively named 'Nun' (the working title of an unfinished project).
Members of The Public are asked to fill in the blank space with whatever they like: writing, drawings, etc. There are no restrictions on content and I give as little explanation as possible beforehand.
When enough responses have been collected, I will collate them in a gallery on this website, before starting on the main piece. That will also be followed by a description of what 'Nun' is about, so check back soon!
If you would like to take part and are able to come to Downtown Manhattan, send me an email and I'm sure something can be worked out. Eyes right for contact details.
Finally, I would like to thank everybody today who offered their time, interest and creativity. Thank you!
Giants added
A wild page has appeared. Giants!
It contains an (as of yet) small catalogue of influences and inspiration.
It will undoubtedly be updated in the coming weeks and years, so keep an eye open or a blind stick poised.
It contains an (as of yet) small catalogue of influences and inspiration.
It will undoubtedly be updated in the coming weeks and years, so keep an eye open or a blind stick poised.
The Best of Partyline [comic]
The Best of Partyline (acrylic and pen)
Click to enlarge
Text Transcription
The Best of Partyline
Woo! Hi! This is the partyline! Woo
You betcha I'm dancing
no, I don't have a job
...and coked and pilled to my tits...
...or wish I was at least
i'm so so unhappy
Get in-mates and women to talk to you
Get in-mates and women to talk to you
Thank you to American Apparel a clothes store for the advert.
Morph [comic]
[REPOST] Morph (pen)
Click to enlarge
This is a repost of an old poster comic, inspired in format (but certainly not style) by Brian 'Lightening Bolt' Chippendale. In his pleasingly easy to find comic Maggots, Chippendale lays out frames to read left to right, then right to left, working down the page. It's fun and remarkably intuitive, at least in his work.
Check out some of Brian Chippendale's work here.
Re-post excuse
Hullo all,
To get the backlog of entries to fit the new category system (snicker), there will probably be re-posts of old material. So this is an apology- sorry. That being said, I will fiddle with the clock so no one will ever notice. Ha!
To get the backlog of entries to fit the new category system (snicker), there will probably be re-posts of old material. So this is an apology- sorry. That being said, I will fiddle with the clock so no one will ever notice. Ha!
Restructuring coming
Hmm, dry title. Apologies for inconvenience that this will no doubt cause no-one, but hopefully it will improve the site a thousand thousand times. Thanks!
Strange land
Hullo all,
This is an advance apology for the next few posts. All uploaded pictures and comics will be lowly photographs with a background of a crumby wooden floor. The heady heights of scanners are far, far away; finding that service in this strange land has proved difficult.
I'm afraid this is all I can do for now. Enjoy though!
This is an advance apology for the next few posts. All uploaded pictures and comics will be lowly photographs with a background of a crumby wooden floor. The heady heights of scanners are far, far away; finding that service in this strange land has proved difficult.
I'm afraid this is all I can do for now. Enjoy though!
Hi! I will be leaving London (and my computer and the internet) for a month or so and will be unlikely to update this. In fact, that's not true; I am taking drawing things (who doesn't travel with a can of charcoal fixative?) and my camera, so conceivably I could load them up. What a dry sentence!
I've plans of dusky landscapes and deadbeat portraits but we'll see how things go. Where the pot's not is where it is useful as they say. Stay tuned perhaps, some nonsense will be on here. Bye!
I've plans of dusky landscapes and deadbeat portraits but we'll see how things go. Where the pot's not is where it is useful as they say. Stay tuned perhaps, some nonsense will be on here. Bye!
Charcoal Animals
Inventively titled animal drawings. I feel like there are lots of these in me and these are enormous fun to do, so if you would like one, email me with an animal and a name and I'll get on it.
These are in fact all for people already. Except for the dog, but if you would like one, then look on the requests page that I'm going to set up shortly. So far I've only been doing A2s but they can be any size I suppose.
Prize for who can name all the animals! Answers to the usual address. Laters!
These are in fact all for people already. Except for the dog, but if you would like one, then look on the requests page that I'm going to set up shortly. So far I've only been doing A2s but they can be any size I suppose.
Prize for who can name all the animals! Answers to the usual address. Laters!
Forgetful drawings
I can't properly remember the process of drawing any of these. They were all wake ups and oh! I guess that looks like my work...
Dancers first. They were fully turned into a number of things. People dancing is exceptionally satisfying to draw and I've got a few sketchbook comics that I'll try to put up, as well as a folder full of singles. Prize for who can name all the dancers in this one! Answers to please.
The dog is just... well... I'm not sure. Freudian dog was written on a piece of paper next to it. Also, largest neck on a transvestite dog ever.
The last comic is a blatant piece of plagiarism of Brian Chippendale's Maggots. He was the first and perhaps only artist who reads from left to right, then right to left, zig-zagging all the way down the page, then up the other one. Amazing! Definitely check Maggots out, as well as If and Oof. Oh and listen to lightening bolt too. That's all. Later!
Dancers first. They were fully turned into a number of things. People dancing is exceptionally satisfying to draw and I've got a few sketchbook comics that I'll try to put up, as well as a folder full of singles. Prize for who can name all the dancers in this one! Answers to please.
The dog is just... well... I'm not sure. Freudian dog was written on a piece of paper next to it. Also, largest neck on a transvestite dog ever.
The last comic is a blatant piece of plagiarism of Brian Chippendale's Maggots. He was the first and perhaps only artist who reads from left to right, then right to left, zig-zagging all the way down the page, then up the other one. Amazing! Definitely check Maggots out, as well as If and Oof. Oh and listen to lightening bolt too. That's all. Later!
These have colours all through them. Strange dreams and deep thoughts always have colours.
Many A2 drawings and paintings have been in my house forever. I finally got them scanned at a great print shop (Prontaprint, Camden- thanks guys!) and now they'll all be going up very shortly.
These two were my first experiments with pastels and pen. Drawing with fine line pens on top of fixed pastels works pretty well I think, but it doesn't work with oil pastels at all. That's a disaster.
The golden baby was inspired by (blah blah blah. Does anyone care about this stuff?) the old chinese religious text, secret of the golden flower. Something about souls I think. Anyway, more coming soon, bye!
Young Adults coming soon
These are from a new comic that I've not really been working on very hard.
It's not remotely near to being finished, so don't hold your breath or anything. I found this great collection of photographs of kids from all over the world. There were basically no adults in any of the photos and all the kids were very serious. I thought they all had that look of lost innocence at first, but coming back to them after a few weeks, their expressions seemed different somehow
Wow, this is getting pretentious, I'm going to stop. But yeah! Read it when it's done! Bye!
Read it forwards and work out what it is then read it back and see how far the picture carries. Christ, sounds like Guy Ritchie DVD commentary.
This was all done at work one day. A very productive evening! I worked from the end first, sketching the same thing more and more roughly. Prize for the person who knows what the drifting person is dreaming of! Answers on a postcard to
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